Converting Frequency to Channel Numbers (Canada/USA)

Convert a Frequency to a Channel:
o Take the hundredths number in the frequency [i.e. in 72.630, use 63] o Subtract 21 from this number [63 - 21 = 42] o Divide by 2 [42 / 2 = 21] o Add 21 to the result [21 + 21 = 42] o The result is the channel number: 42
Convert a Channel to a Frequency:
o Subtract 21 from the channel number (channel 28) [28 - 21 = 7] o Multiply the number by 2 [7 * 2 = 14] o Add 21 to this number [14 + 21 = 35] o Result can be found by prepending "72" in front of this number [72.350] o The result: frequency is 72.350MHz for channel number 28

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